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Foreign companies entering Japan – Differences between subsidiaries, branches, and representative offices 【EN-bus-105】

Broadly speaking, there are three ways in which foreign companies enter Japan:

① Establishment of a subsidiary (Japanese corporation)
② Establishment of a branch (Japanese branch office)
③ Establishment of a representative office

In this article, we will clearly explain the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each type of entry.


Characteristics of the three types of entry

Establishment of a subsidiary (Japanese corporation)

What is a subsidiary (Japanese corporation)?

A subsidiary (branch in Japan) is a company established by a foreign company to carry out business activities .

How to Establish

When a foreign company establishes a subsidiary (Japanese corporation) in Japan, it will establish a legal entity such as a joint stock company or a limited liability company as defined by Japanese Companies Act .

Company Establishment Procedures

(1) Preparation of articles of incorporation
(2) Transfer of capital
(3) Registration of company establishment


Since a subsidiary (Japanese corporation) is a separate legal entity from the foreign company, the foreign company is responsible for the investment. The subsidiary can open a bank account and rent real estate .

If the representative in Japan obtains a “business manager” visa, the capital must be set at 5 million yen or more.

Establishment of a branch office (Japan branch office)

What is a branch office (Japan branch)?

A branch office (Japanese branch) is a base that a foreign company sets up to carry out business activities in Japan .
It can be set up in a simpler way than establishing a subsidiary (Japanese corporation).

Installation Method

(1) Securing a base of operations
(2) Deciding on a representative
(3) Registering necessary information


A branch office (a Japanese branch office) does not have legal status under Japanese law and is treated as part of a foreign company. Therefore, the liability arising from the activities of a branch office (a Japanese branch office) is directly attributable to the foreign company. A branch office can open bank accounts and rent real estate .

Representative Office

What is a representative office?

A representative office is a base established by a foreign company in order to prepare for full-scale business in Japan .
Therefore, it can carry out activities such as market research, information gathering, and advertising, but cannot conduct direct business activities .

Installation Method

No registration is required to establish a representative office.


A representative office cannot open a bank account or rent real estate . The head office of the foreign company or the representative office’s representative person will be the party to the contract.

Advantages and disadvantages of the three types of entry

The advantages and disadvantages of each form of entry are as follows:

Japanese Corporation Japan branch office Representative Office
Legal personality Corporation
Limited liability company
Legal status of foreign companies none
registration can be can be none
Company creditworthiness High High Low
Company bank account Can be opened Can be opened Not possible to open
Establishment costs large Medium none
Complexity of procedures Medium large small
Time until establishment Medium Medium Short
Business Activities Yes Yes No
Residence status that the representative can obtain business administration business administration Engineer Country
Intra-company transfer

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